In the Common Minimum Program (CMP) for governance, BJP did another U turn and accepted PDP’s demand for continuation of special status for J&K vis-a-vis Article 370 clause number 10 of the CMP. (Photo No. 1)
BJP also gave its consent for “opening new routes across all three regions” with Pakistan vide Clause No. 20 though decision for opening of international border is not a State’s subject but BJP succumbed to the pressure of PDP in quest of power. The flip-flop was further evident in the clause number 21 & 22 (Photo No. 2) where BJP agreed that “coalition government will facilitate and help initiate a sustained and meaningful dialogue with all internal stakeholders, which will include all political groups irrespective of their ideological views and predilections”. It also agreed to abide by the spirit - “Insaaniyat, Kashmiriyat aur Jamhooriyat” - set by the previous NDA Govt. led by A. B. Vajpayee but not Hindustaniyat or Rastriyata.
In the CMP, BJP allowed the alliance (read CM) to have the power to “examine the need for de-notifying ‘disturbed areas”. So, it will not be the security forces or the Union Govt. who shall evaluate the condition. So, the BJP has allowed the opening floodgate which, in time to come, shall witness withdrawal of security forces from the valley leaving it a free roaming land for cross border infiltrators. (Photo No. 3)
Now, let’s see what is supposed to be the destiny of Kashmiri Pundits as per Clause No. 26 of the CMP. It reads as “Reintegration will be a process that will start within the state as well as the civil society, by taking the community into confidence”. What does it mean? It means, KPs will be welcome in the valley provided local Muslims agree to that. But we can’t see any precondition in Clause No. 27(a) & 27(b) where rehabilitation for Muslims has been referred. (Photo No. 4)
In Clause No. 28(c) of the CMP, the power for revising “all royally agreements” has been enthused to the coalition led by PDP which is bound to hurt the interest of the nation provided the accession treaty between Raja Hari Singh and the then Govt. of India is revised. (Photo No. 5)
BJP also agreed, vide Clause No. 36, that despite attacks on security forces in the valley by local mob and anti-Indian spirit amongst local resident, Govt. of India, “must fully fund rehabilitation and Relief for the Flood Affected victims and their families” from the exchequer of the Central Govt. which is constituted by Indian tax payers. (Photo No. 6)
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